Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Southern Girl for President

Today one of my freshman was telling me about a discussion she had (or her brother had...can't quite remember) with one of the Social Studies teachers. He told her that before the end of their lifetime (our kids) there will be a black president. I told her that that was highly possible. This is how our conversation went next:

Student: Miss, you should run for president.
Me: No, I don't think so.
Student: Yes, I think you'd be a good president.
Me: Girl, the U.S. would be a mess if I was president.
Student: No it wouldn't...I think you should run.

A black president...possible. A black female president...hmmm, not sure. I'm no Condi! Thank goodness =) Now of all the careers that I've thought about tackling, a career is politics has not been an option. When others have asked me would I consider it I've always said, very quickly "NO!" Me in the presidency...that would make for one ghetto ass government. Really!!! I guess she was thinking that if I could handle the freshman classes at my school, I could definitely handle the ole U.S. of A. Now that I think about it, it was pretty cute.

Cast your ballots folks. Southern girl is gonna run the country!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well if W cann do it...that monkey can barely read! as i see it, the presdent is just the 'man with the plan.' he (i use 'he' b/c there as has yet to be a 'she')just hires people to bring his plans to fruition. it's kinda like being a pimp! politico=pimp! dont you think?

you'd get my vote in exchange for a high profile cabinet position!