Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What the %@!*#

Underage wet showers. Public Masterbation. Bus Riding Nose Pickers. That's how my day was.

My juniors were working on an assignment today. As they were working I was walking around checking on what they were doing. There is a boyfriend-girlfriend couple in my class; the girlfriend left to go to the bathroom, and the boyfriend was talking to a few other females. All I heard was "No, she didn't pee in my mouth, I peed on her." I...WAS...IN...SHOCK. They totally caught me off guard. What do you say to that other than "I don't want to hear that kind of talk in this school." But as I walked off I was a little scarred. These are my students, my kids. I know they're doing all kinda stuff, but I DO NOT want to know about it.

After a coworker and I had dinner we were on an overcrowded train, and she mentions that she doesn't like to sit too close to people on the train. When I asked her why she proceeded to tell me about sitting next to a man who masterbated on the train from 125th to 23rd. This is not the first time I've heard about this type of lewd behavior. Why do people masterbate on the train? She said one time she saw a guy do it on the bus...and when it all came to fruition (if you know what I mean), the bus had to be evacuated for sanitary purposes.

While back in Jersey riding the bus home I saw TWO different people digging in their noses. And they were DIGGING. I was so disgusted.

People, do we have no shame?

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